How to fix the Internal Server Error in WooCommerce with WordPress

I encountered the error when I installed WooCommerce in my WordPress. The general solution is given on this webpage. But it was a little broad to figure out what the problem is in my case.

First, I installed WordPress; install a theme called AZERA Shop; and then I installed a plugin that is WooCommerce. I found the Internal Server Error when I click “Shop” in the menu bar. I tried several suggestions from other webpages, but none of them was able to solve it.

As the above page and others suggested, I decided to edit .htaccess file in the folder.

Here is what I did. After I logged in, I went to “Settings.” There is “Permalinks” in the menu. At the bottom of the page, the proper content of .htaccess is shown. I compared it with what I already had in the server. They were different! I immediately copied the new one and paste it on the old file. After uploading it, the Internal Server Error was gone.

In fact, I remember that I changed the “Site Address (URL)” after installing WooCommerce. (Please go to “General” in “Settings” to find Site Address URL.) Therefore, the .htaccess was modified!

The other point is that my server didn’t let the software change the content of .htaccess file. Then, I kept on getting the error only with shop-related pages.

Hope this will help someone figure out this type of problem.

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